The Trade Desk

What do you really think of adland’s shiny new thing?

Take our simple survey to shape industry research – all you have to do is tell us if you agree or disagree with a series of statements about connected TV

What do you really think of adland’s shiny new thing?

There is a lot of noise around connected TV (CTV), which is no surprise as the popularity of streaming continues to grow. But with anything that gets everyone talking, there are a few myths and falsehoods surrounding it.

We want to understand what you think about connected TV – as opposed to what your business is doing about it. We’re after your feelings, opinions and thoughts. 

Your answers will help to shape our next panel discussion, CTV myth-busters, where experts will speak in jargon-free terms about what CTV is and isn’t, and what it can or can’t do for your business.

The survey takes less than a minute to complete, so please tell us your views. As a thank you, we’ll enter you into a prize draw to win a £300 Virgin Experience Day voucher.

We’ve listed a number of statements and we just want you to tell us if you agree or disagree  with each one. Here we go... 


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